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2024年04月05日 12:47:34 来源:网校空间 访问量:3



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Unit 3 Where did you go?


第    课时 







1.四会词汇:went, camp, went camping, fish, went fishing, rode, hurt

2.三会词汇:fell, off, Labour Day, mule, Turpan, could, till

3.重点句型:(1)—Where did you go? —I went to a forest park.

(2)—Did you go to Turpan? —Yes,we did.


能够在语境中理解生词或短语“fell off, mule, Turpan, could, till”的意思,并能正确发音。






1.能听、说、读、写过去式单词went,rode,hurt和词组 went camping,went fishing等;能正确使用动词过去式。

2.能利用“Where did you go?What did you do?”互相询问去过的地方和做过的事情,并能根据实际情况灵活作答。



2.灵活运用“Where did you go?” “What did you do?”谈论去过的地方和做过的事情。

备 注

Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.

    2. Sing a song—Tell me about your holiday. (出示课件)

    3. Review: A quick respond game.

The teacher shows some verbs on the PPT. Students try to say their past or original forms as soon as possible. The fastest one can get a reward.

    4. Lead-in.

    The teacher shows a calendar on the screen. (出示课件)

T: What’s the date?

Ss: It’s May 1st. It’s the Labour Day holiday.

T: Where did you go last Labour Day holiday?

Ss: I went to…

◆ Teaching purpose




Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and tick or cross.

(1)T: What day is it today?

Ss: It’s…

T: We should go to school and have classes on… But John didn’t go to school today. Amy called him.

T: John answered a phone call from Amy. Please read “Let’s try” first and guess what happened.

(2)Students listen to the recording and try to finish the exercises below.

(3)Listen again and check the answers together. (出示课件)

Show the listening material to help students understand further.

(4)Show the key sentence “What happened?” and the key phrases “fell off my bike, hurt my foot”. (出示课件)

(5)Practice: Let’s chant together! (课件出示:John骑自行车摔倒的相关内容)

◆ Teaching purpose


2. Watch and answer.

(1)T: After school, Amy went to John’s home. They talked about the Labour Day holiday. Try to answer the two questions after you watch the cartoon. (课件出示:Let’s talk板块的视频)

①Where did John go over his holiday?

②What did he do?

(2) Check the answers.

T: Where did John go over his holiday?

Ss: He went to Mt. Tianshan and Turpan in Xinjiang.

T: What did he do?

Ss: He rode a horse and saw lots of grapes.

3. Learn the new words and sentences.

(1)Show some pictures to help students understand the word and the phrase. (课件出示:Turpan和rode a horse的相关内容)

Lead students to read the word “Turpan” and the phrase “rode a horse”.

(2)Show some pictures to help students learn the words. (课件出示:horse, mule, till, could的相关内容)

Lead students to read the words “mule, could, till”.

(3)Write down the key sentences on the blackboard. Lead students to practice “—Where did you go over your holiday? —I went to…” “—What did you do? —I…”

4. Read and act.

(1)Listen and imitate.

Let students read the text sentence by sentence after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2) Let students read freely for one minute. After that, two students work in a group and read the dialogue.

(3) Let students fill in the blanks on the screen, then try to role play without books. (出示课件)

◆ Teaching purpose


Step 3: Practice

1. Read and underline.

Ask students to read the dialogue and underline all the past forms of verbs.

2. A game: What is missing?

Show the key words “mule, Turpan, could, till”, the phrase “fell off” and the sentences “—Are you all right? —I’m OK now.” “—Did you go to Turpan? —Yes, we did.” on the PPT. Ask students to read them quickly, then say the missing part. (课件出示:游戏规则及相关内容)

◆ Teaching purpose


Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

1. The teacher shares his/her own PPT about the Labour Day holiday with students. (出示课件)

One student asks the key questions, and the teacher answers.

S: Where did you go over your holiday?

T: I went to Sanya.

S: What did you do?

T: I went swimming in the sea. I also ate lots of fresh fruit.

2. Ask and answer.

Two students work in a group and talk about their last Labour Day holiday.

Make a model:

A: Where did you go over your holiday?

B: I went to…

A: What did you do?

B: I…

3. Show time.

Students stand up and show their dialogues.

◆ Teaching purpose












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