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2024年04月06日 12:48:31 来源:网校空间 访问量:6



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         Lets talk      






能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“What size are your shoes?” “Your feet are bigger than mine.” “—How heavy are you? —I’m…kilograms.”谈论体重、鞋码等问题。






能够在情境中灵活运用句型“What size are your shoes?” “How heavy are you?”等进行调查。

Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song—My small cat.(出示课件)

3. Revision.

Let’s rap.

T:Let’s rap together today. For example,if I say “tall”,you say “taller”. Are you ready? Go!

T:Tall.    Ss:Taller.

T:Short.   Ss:Shorter.

T:Long.   Ss:Longer.


4. Lead-in.

Let’s find the shoe size.

T:I’m going hiking this weekend. But first,I want to buy a pair of new sports shoes. Do you want to buy new sports shoes, too?


T:What size are your shoes? Size 34? Size 36? Try to find the size on your shoes.

S1:Size 35.

T:I wear size 36. My feet are bigger than yours.

S2:Size 38. My feet are bigger than yours.


◆ Teaching purpose


Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and circle.

(1)Show the questions of “Let’s try” on the PPT.(出示课件)Let students predict the listening content and guess the answers.

(2)Play the recording for the first time. (出示课件) Ask students to choose the right answers of the two questions in “Let’s try”.

(3)Play the recording again.(出示课件) Students read the listening material and check the answers together with the teacher.(出示课件)

T:Why does Wu Binbin want to buy some new hiking clothes?

Ss:Because he is bigger than last year.

T:Good answer!

◆ Teaching purpose


2. Guess and fill in the table.

Show the main picture of “Let’s talk” on the PPT.(出示课件)

T:Wu Binbin and Mike are at the shoe store. They are trying on the shoes. Look at this picture. Can you tell whose feet are bigger,Wu Binbin’s or Mike’s?

Ss:Mike’s feet are bigger than Wu Binbin’s.

T:How about the weight? Can you guess who is heavier,Wu Binbin or Mike?

Ss:Mike./ Wu Binbin.

T:Read the dialogue of “Let’s talk” by yourselves. Then try to finish the table on the PPT.(出示课件)

◆ Teaching purpose


3. Learn the new words and sentences.

(1)Watch the cartoon of “Let’s talk” for the first time.(出示课件)

T:What size are Mike’s shoes?

Ss:Size 7.

T:What size are Wu Binbin’s shoes?

SsSize 37.

TMike wears size 7 shoes, but Wu Binbin wears size 37 shoes. Why?



Show a table on the PPT.(课件出示:中西方鞋码对照表) Learn to say the shoe sizes in different countries in different ways.

T:From the table we can know, in the USA Mike wears size 7 shoes, but in China he wears size 40 shoes. So Wu Binbin says to Mike, “Your feet are bigger than mine.”

(Write down the key sentences “—What size are your shoes? —Size 7. —Your feet are bigger than mine.” on the blackboard.)

Lead students to read these sentences several times.

(2)Watch the cartoon of “Let’s talk” for the second time. (出示课件)

T:How heavy is Mike?

Ss:He is 48 kilograms.

T:How heavy is Wu Binbin?

Ss:He is 46 kilograms.

T:Who is heavier?

Ss:Mike is heavier.

(Write down the key sentences “—How heavy are you? —I’m 48 kilograms. —You’re heavier. I’m 46 kilograms.” on the blackboard.)

Lead students to read these sentences several times. Teach the word “kilogram” by presenting the picture on the PPT. (出示课件)

(3)Check the answers in the previous table. (出示课件)

◆ Teaching purpose


4. Read and act.

(1) Let students read after the recording. Remind them to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups.

(3) Fill in the blanks.

(4) Act out.

◆ Teaching purpose


Step 3: Practice

“Prepare for Children’s Day”

T:Children’s Day is coming. We need new clothes and new shoes for the party.

1. Work in pairs.

Two students in a group. Ask and answer questions about each other’s height,weight and shoe size. Write down the information in the table.(课件出示:一张学生的个人信息表格)

2. Make a report.

The two students above compare with each other in height, weight and shoe size, then try to make a report.

The teacher makes a model:I’m 1.55 metres. He is 1.62 metres. He is taller than me. I’m 45 kilograms. He is 46 kilograms. He is heavier than me. My shoes are size 38. His shoes are size 36. My feet are bigger than his.

3. Show time.

Ask one student to stand up and share his/ her report.

Teaching purpose


Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

In a shoe store”

Create a shoe store in the classroom.

1. Ask one student to act as a customer.

TCan I help you?

S1Yesplease! I need a pair of new shoes.

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